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Writing is my vocation, my passion, the air I breathe. I love developing the psychology of my characters, crafting the plot as I write, while letting the story, at times, take me by surprise. With every new novel I start, I challenge myself to explore a new style, structure, or narrative device. 


I weave in narratives and viewpoints, exploring themes, such as grief, loss, projection, manipulation, and deceit. All my stories contain an element of suspense, without providing all the answers, and raise questions which, I believe, are relevant to our shared human experience.


I have been writing accessible literary fiction since 2007, penning two novels in English:

Heading for the Wall (2014)

Not to Hold (2018)

and two in French :

L’éloge de l’ombre (2011)

Envolée (2021)

I worked on every single novel with a bilingual freelance editor to hone the craft. I'm currently writing my fifth novel.

I've mentored aspiring writers and led creative writing courses, as well as workshops, with Cambridge Community Arts (CCA) and the Workers’ Educational Association (WEA). 

You can listen to my interview on the Couragemakers Podcast: E139. The Creative Process & Feeding Your Creativity with Caroline Jestaz (Google Podcasts / Apple Podcasts).

​​© 2020 Caroline Jestaz


​​Website design by Caroline Jestaz


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