Have you ever found yourself in a brasserie, in a boulangerie, or at a food market, eager to order food in French, but not sure what to say next?
Here's the solution for next time, i.e. a quick and easy online session with:
guidance on pronunciation,
pointers on how to ask questions,
short sentences to practise ahead of your trip,
a WhatsApp recording of those sentences, so you can prepare on your own,
tips on cultural nuances and differences when ordering/buying food.
And if you're off to Paris, I will also share with you my favourite spots!
This way, you will easily:
understand the menu,
try a wide variety of foods,
catch the attention of the elusive waiter,
discuss sizes, materials, and styles with the shopkeeper.

Or maybe your partner or your friend is going on holiday to France soon and you're looking for a birthday gift?
Either way, don't hesitate to get in touch if you have questions or if you would like to order a voucher.
I look forward to hearing from you!
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